The Spirit of Silicon Valley Pipe Band Award


The Spirit of Silicon Valley Pipe Band Award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to promoting and preserving Scottish music and culture, through their involvement with the Silicon Valley Pipe Band. This special award is not presented annually, but only when there is a deserving recipient who has demonstrated a remarkable commitment to furthering the band's mission and enriching the Scottish arts community in the greater San Francisco bay area.

The award recipient will be someone who has devoted substantial time, energy, and passion towards the Silicon Valley Pipe Band over a sustained period. Through their efforts, they will have helped advance the band's mission, expand its reach and impact, and pass on knowledge and traditions to new generations of pipers and drummers.

The Spirit of Silicon Valley Pipe Band Award honors those individuals who give freely of themselves out of a love for Scottish heritage and musical arts. Their dedication and service embodies the heart of the Silicon Valley Pipe Band and keeps its spirit alive. This special recognition is for those outstanding individuals who embrace that spirit

2024-01 Sue and Burr Nissen - Inaugural recipients of the Spirit of SVPB award