Official Swag
We have online store at Zazzle. You can order shirts, sweaters, jackets, water bottles, tote bags, cups, hats, and much more that is all branded with the Silicon Valley Pipe Band artwork.
You are going to look fabulous in your SVPB swag!
SVPB Zazzle Store
All of the items are customizable.
Once you select an item, click 'Edit Design'. From there, you can change the size of the logo, change its position on the item, add text like your name, etc.
You can also change the shirt styles by clicking 'see more' under the Style section.
You can change shirt brands, choose between long or short sleeves, and more.
You can also select different color shirts.
The shirt brand defaults to American Apparel. These shirts are high quality but they run small in size. You can switch to a different brand if you want.
The band earns 5% on all sales.